Competition Themes
Monthly contest entry limit is 4 images.
Exception - Advanced Class, entry limit is 3 images, with only 1 image in Digital Projection.
See theme description below
2024 - 2025
2025 - 2026
Themes description:
October 2024 - ABSTRACT - An artistic image whose subject is not easily identifiable. The subject may be natural or manmade.
January 2025 – ARCHITECTURE - The main subject must be a building or part thereof
March 2025 – INSECTS AND SPIDERS - The main subject must be one or more insects and/or spiders.
May 2025 – SHOOTING THROUGH SOMETHING - The main subject must have been photographed for special effect through another substance, such as textured glass, smoke, fog, rain, gauze, flowers, etc.
October 2025 - REFLECTIONS - The main subject must be a reflected image. The source of the reflection may be omitted from the composition or included.
January 2026 – TEXTURES - The image must emphasize the surface variations of the subject, which may be natural or manmade.
March 2026 – TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY - The main subject must portray features of the land, buildings, people, or culture. People, if included, should be incidental, unposed and natural.
May 2026 – SHAPES - The visual composition of the image must clearly reflect one or more recognizable shape(s) (circle, square, triangle, etc.).